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Number of items: 88.

Abdul Haris Subarjo, AHS per review untuk kenaikan jabatan fungsional Abdul Haris Subarjo, M.Sc. STTA. (Unpublished)

Ahmadi, Nurfi Peer review angkasa. STTA.

Ahmadi, Nurfi Peer review kacanegara. STTA.

Ahmadi, Nurfi Peer review senatik 2016. STTA.

Ahmadi, Nurfi Peer review senatik 2018. STTA.

Ahmadi, Nurfi peer review flywheel. STTA.

Dedet, Hermawan per review 1,2 jurnal angkasa no 1 vol 2. per review 1,2 jurnal angkasa no 1 vol 2.

Dedet, Hermawan per review 1,2 jurnal angkasa no 1 vol 7. per review 1,2 jurnal angkasa no 1 vol 7.

Dedet, Hermawan per review 1,2 jurnal angkasa no 2 vol 3. per review 1,2 jurnal angkasa no 2 vol 3.

Dedet, Hermawan per review 1,2 seminar nasional 2006, brawijaya 2006. per review 1,2, seminar nasional 2006, brawijaya 2006.

Dedet, Hermawan per review 1,2, international conference and exhibition sustainable energy and advanced material. international conference and exhibition sustainable energy and advanced material.

Dedet, Hermawan per review 1,2, jurnal angkasa no 1 vol 3. per review 1,2, jurnal angkasa no 1 vol 3.

Dedet Hermawan, Dedet Karakteristik Pembakaran Briket Sampah Kota-Arang Kayu: Efek Laju Aliran Udara Dan Bentuk Briket. Seminar Nasional 2006; Kreativitas mesin Brawijaya 2006.

Jalaali, Bahrul MODUL PRAKTIKUM (DARING COVID-19) PROSES PRODUKSI II (TM2329). Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto.

Jalaali, Bahrul Modul Praktikum (Daring Covid-19) Proses Produksi II (TM2329) Teknik Mesin STTA. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto.

Jalaali, Bahrul Modul Praktikum Fisika Dasar Semester Genap (TI206P). Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto.

Jalaali, Bahrul Modul Praktikum Proses Produksi 2 (TM2329). Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto.

Muhammad, Noer Ilman and Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo and Arif, Wahyudianto and Muhammad, Rifai Muslih Peer Review : Environmentally Assisted Fatigue Behaviour Of Stress Relieved Metal Inert Gas (MIG) AA5083 Welds In 3.5% NaCl Solution. STT Adisutjipto.

Muhammad, Noer Ilman and Rachmat A, Sriwijaya and Muhammad, Rifai Muslih and Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo and Sehono, Sehono Peer Review : Strength and fatigue crack growth behaviours of metal inert gas AA5083-H116 welded joints under in-process vibrational treatment. STT Adisutjipto.

Nugroho, Fajar Effects of Calsium Carbonat on Hardness and Wear Behaviour of Brass - Epoxy Brake Lining Pad. In: SENATIK 2019 : Peran Teknologi Untuk Revitalisasi Bandara dan Transportasi Udara, 10 Desember 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Nugroho, Fajar Jurnal Foundry : Pengaruh Rapat Arus dan Waktu Anodizing Terhadap Laju Keausan Permukaan Pada Aluminium Padaun AA 2024-T3. Jurnal Foundry, 4 (1). ISSN 2087-2259

Nugroho, Fajar Jurnal Foundry : Pengaruh Rapat Arus dan Waktu Anodizing Terhadap Laju Korosi Pada Aluminium Paduan 2024-T3 di Lingkungan Air Laut. Jurnal Foundry, 2 (2). ISSN 2087-2259

Nugroho, Fajar Jurnal Tektan : Rancang Bangun Alat Pengkabut (Air Design of Water Atomizer). TekTan, 4 (1). ISSN 2085-1278

Nugroho, Fajar Lembar Penilaian Peer Review Karya Ilmiah. -. (Unpublished)

Nugroho, Fajar Peer Review Artikel Senatik 2019. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto. (Unpublished)

Nugroho, Fajar Pengaruh Kandungan Partikel Serbuk Genteng Sokka Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik dan Impak Pada Komposit Bermatrik Epoxy. In: SENATIK 2017 : Dukungan Teknologi Untuk Pengembangan Industri Dirgantara Indonesia, 21 Desember 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Nugroho, Fajar Studi Pengaruh Proses Manufaktur Komposit Bermatrik Epoksi Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik dan Impak Pada Komposit Hybrid Berpenguat Serbuk Kayu Albasia dan Serat Gelas. In: SENATIK 2016 : Peran Teknologi dan Kedirgantaraan Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bangsa, 26 November 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Nugroho, Fajar Study on the Effect of Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Time on the Tensile Strength and Hardness of TIG Weld Joint of Motorcycle Crankcase. In: SENATIK 2018 : Tranformasi Teknologi Untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Nasional, 13 Desember 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo Jurnal 2017. STT Adisutjipto.

Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo Jurnal 2020. STT Adisutjipto.

Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo Peer Review : Pengaruh Komposisi Bahan Bakar Dari Sampah Kering Rumah Tangga Terhadap Karakteristik Pembakaran Pada Tungku Gasifikasi. STT Adisutjipto.

Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo Similarity Jurnal 2017. STT Adisutjipto.

Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo Similarity Jurnal 2020. STT Adisutjipto.

Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo and Benedictus, Mardwianta Peer Review : Pengenalan Desain dan Manufaktur Komponen Otomotif Bagi Muda-Mudi Wonokoromo II Pleret Bantul. STT Adisutjipto.

Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo and Dwi Aris, Himawanto and Angga Radite, Wibisono Peer Review : Karakteristik Pembakaran Bersama Limbah Kulit dan Batubara Sebagai Bahan Bakar Pada Proses Penyamakan Kulit. STT Adisutjipto.

Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo and Eka, Supriatna Peer Review : Effects of Electrode Movements on Smaw Welding to The Quality of ST37 Steel Welds. STT Adisutjipto.

Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo and Faisal, Nurriqza and Teguh, Wibowo Peer Review : Pengaruh Pemanasan Bahan Bakar Dengan Memanfaatkan Aliran Oli Mesin Terhadap Kinerja Mesin Sepeda Motor. STT Adisutjipto.

Teguh, Wibowo Alat pemantau Kendaraan berbasis GPS dengan Fitur Lokal dan SMS Pintar. Publikasi Nasional: Proceeding Seminar Nasional (SENATIK 2013) ISSN 2337-3881.

Teguh, Wibowo Characteristics of successive droplets impacting hot aluminum surface around nucleate boiling regrme. AIP Conference Proceedings.

Teguh, Wibowo Characteristics of successive droplets impacting hot aluminum surface around nucleate boiling regrme. AIP Conference Proceedings.

Teguh, Wibowo Jurnal Ilmiah Angkasa: Volume V, Nomor 2, November 2013 ISSN 2085-9503 Judul: Optimasi Desain Burner dengan Penambahan Venturi Mixer pada Kompor Berbahan Bakar Biogas Untuk Mendukung Pertanian Terpadu (Zero Waste) Di Pilot Plant DME (Desa Mandiri Energi) Berbah. Jurnal Angkasa Vol V.


Teguh, Wibowo Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Puntir (Twist Angel) Winglet pada Ujung sayap Pesawat. Laporan Penelitian Internal tidak dipublikasikan disimpan di Perpustakaan STTA.

Teguh, Wibowo Studi Eksperimen Pada Fenomena Successive Droplets Menumbuk Permukaan Tembaga Panas. Jumal Penelitian Sarntek.

Teguh, Wibowo Studi Eksperimen Pada Fenomena Successive Droplets Menumbuk Permukaan Tembaga Panas. Jurnal Penelitian Saintek, Universitas Negeri Yogykarta, Volume 24, Nomor 2, Oktober 2019..

Teguh, Wibowo Studi Experimental Terhadap Perpindahan Kalor Pada Tumbukan Multiple Droplets Dengan Variasi Frekuensi Tetesan. Metal: Jumal Sistem Mekanik dan Termal.

Teguh, Wibowo Studi Experimental terhadap perpindahan kalor pada tumbukan multiple droplets dengan variasi frekuensi tetesan. Metal: Jurnal Sistem Mekanik dan Termal, Volume 2, Nomor 2, January 2018, Teknik Mesin, Universitas Andalas.

Teguh, Wibowo Study on the effect of Weber Number to heat transfer of multiple &oplets on hot starnless steel surface. MATECWeb Conference.

Teguh, Wibowo Study on the effect of Weber Number to heat transfer of multiple droplets on hot stainless-steel surface. Prosiding MATEC Web Conference, Volume 154 (2018), The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICET4SD 2017), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, September 13-14, 2017 Penerbit: EDP Sciences.

Teguh, Wibowo The dynamics behavior of successive multiple droplets impacting onto hot surface under high concenfration of ethylene glycol aquades solution. AIP Conference Proceedings.

Teguh, Wibowo The dynamics behavior of successive multiple droplets impacting onto hot surface under high concentration of ethylene glycol aquades solution. Published by the American Institute of Physics.

Teguh, Wibowo The effect of Weber number on the dynamic contact angle dunng the the impacting of single droplet onto ahot oblique s'rface. AIP Conference series.

Teguh, Wibowo The effect of Weber number on the dynamic contact angle during the the impacting of single droplet onto a hot oblique surface. Jurnal internasional terindeks/Prosiding internasional terindeks: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2248 (2020), 17 Juli 2020 ISBN: 978-0-7354-2007-6.

Teguh, Wibowo The effect of ethylene glycol concentration on the interfacial dynamics of the successive droplets impactrng onto a horizontal hot sohd surface. International Journal of Thermal Science.

Teguh, Wibowo The effect of ethylene glycol concentration on the interfacial dynamics of the successive droplets impacting onto a horizontal hot solid surface. International Journal of Thermal Sciences (Q1), Volume 159, January 2021, 106594 Jurnal Ilmiah (Terindeks Scimagojr Dan Scopus) Impact Factor: 3.476 Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.743 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.260.

Teguh, Wibowo The effect of pressure and frequency on the dlmamic behavior and evaporation time of successive water droplets impacting onto hot surface. MATEC Web Conference.

Teguh, Wibowo The effect of pressure and frequency on the dynamic behavior and evaporation time of successive water droplets impacting onto hot surface. Jurnal internasional terindeks/Prosiding internasional terindeks: Proceeding MATEC Web Conference, Volume 154 (2018) The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICET4SD 2017), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Septembe.

Teguh, Wibowo The effect of surface roughness on dynamic behaviour of the successive multiple droplets impacting onto aluminium hot surfaces. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engureerrng.

Teguh, Wibowo The effect of surface roughness on dynamic behaviour of the successive multiple droplets impactrng onto aluminium hot surfaces. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

Teguh, Wibowo The effect of surface roughness on dynamic behaviour of the successive multiple droplets impacting onto aluminium hot surfaces. Jurnal internasional terindeks/Prosiding internasional terindeks: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018) 18 April 2018, Bandung, Indonesia Volume 434 (2018) Penerbit: IO.

Teguh, Wibowo The effects of surface tension on the spreading ratio during the impact of multiple droplets onto a hot solid surface. : MATEC Web Conference.

Teguh, Wibowo The effects of surface tension on the spreading ratio during the impact of multiple droplets onto a hot solid surface. Jurnal internasional terindeks/Prosiding internasional terindeks: The 3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018) Bandung, Indonesia, April 18, 2018. MATEC Web of Conferences. Volume 197 (2018). Penerbit: EDP Sciences.

Teguh, Wibowo The effects of the material conductivity on the dynamics behavior of the multiple droplets impacting onto hot surface. AIP Conference Proceedings.

Teguh, Wibowo The effects of the material conductivity on the dynamics behavior of the multiple droplets impacting onto hot surface. Proceedings of the 1St International Conference on Mechanical and Materials Science Engineering: Innovation and Research-2018, 5-6 July 2018 Volume number: 2018 Published: Sep 28, 2018 Maharashtra, India ISBN: 978-0-7354-1736-6.

Teguh, Wibowo and Nur Akhmad, Triwibowo Peer Review : Optimasi Desain Burner Dengan Penambahan Venturi Mixer Pada Kompor Berbahan Bakar Biogas Untuk Mendukung Pertanian Terpadu (Zero Waste) Di Pilot Plant DME (Desa Mandiri Energi) Berbah. STT Adisutjipto.

Wibowo, Teguh 1.Similarity-The effect of ethylene-IJTS-Teguh. International Journal of Thermal Sciences.

Wibowo, Teguh 2.Similarity-The Effects of the Material-AIP-Teguh. AIP Conference Proceedings.

Wibowo, Teguh 3.Similarity-The effect of pressure-AIP-Teguh. AIP Conference Proceedings.

Wibowo, Teguh 4.Similarity-The dynamics behavior-AIP-Teguh. AIP Conference Proceedings.

Wibowo, Teguh 5.Similarity-Characteristic-AIP-Teguh. AIP Conference Proceedings.

Wibowo, Teguh 9.Similarity-The effect of surface roughness-IOP-Teguh. IOP Conference.

dedet hermawan, dedet Biobriket campuran arang kayu dan sampah kota sebagai alternatif pemecahan bahan bakar murah untuk rakyat. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto.


dedet hermawan, dedet Pengolahan bioarang sebagai pengganti biogas untuk mendukung proses roasting pengolahan kopi arabica dan ketahanan energi. itda.

dedet hermawan, dedet Peningkatan Pengetahuan Desain Produk Kerajinan Berbahan Alumunium Bagi Industri Kecil Untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Ekonomi. Jurnal Kacanegara.

dedet hermawan, dedet Peningkatan mutu briket batu bara melalui pemilihan jenis binder yang tepat. Angkasa Jurnal Bidang Teknologi. ISSN 2085-9503

dedet hermawan, dedet Uji similarity artikel internasional UNS Dedet Hermawan S. STTA.

dedet hermawan, dedet optimalisasi unjuk kerja genset berbahan bakar hybrid (bigas-bensin) untuk mendukung pilot plant DME (desa mandiri energi) di berbah. stta.

dedet hermawan, dedet pengaruh pengecoran batang torak dari alumunium paduan dengan cetakan pasir dan cetakan logam terhadap kekerasan dan kekuatan tari. sttnas.

dedet hermawan, dedet pengaruh pengecoran batang torak dari alumunium paduan dengan cetakan pasir dan cetakan logam terhadap kekerasan dan kekuatan tarik. sttnas.

dedet hermawan, dedet pengaruh rendaman terhadap perubahan sifat mekanik komposit poliester resin-arang sekam padi untuk material board panel. pengaruh rendaman terhadap perubahan sifat mekanik komposit poliester resin-arang sekam padi untuk material board panel.

dedet hermawan, dedet per review 1,2 Karakteristik Pembakaran Briket Lokal Pada Beberapa Temperatur Karbonasi. Universitas Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta.

dedet hermawan, dedet per review 1,2 The Effect of Feed Seawaterand Air Temperatures on Performance of a Desalination Unit of Heat Pump with Humidification and Dehumidification. universitas sebelas maret.

dedet hermawan, dedet per review jurnal angkasa Pengolahan bioarang sebagai pengganti biogas untuk mendukung proses roasting pengolahan kopi arabica dan ketahanan energi. itda.

dedet hermawan, dedet per review jurnal teknoin. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto.

dedet hermawan, dedet sambungan plat baja karbon rendah dengan plat alumunium 6061 menggunakan spot welding dang filler paduan baja-all terhadap beban geser. sambungan plat baja karbon rendah dengan plat alumunium 6061 menggunakan spot welding dang filler paduan baja-all terhadap beban geser.

dedet hermawan, dedet seminar internasional uns-utem, The Effect of Feed Seawater and Air Temperatures on Performance of a Desalination Unit of Heat Pump with Humidification and Dehumidification. seminar internasional uns-utem, The Effect of Feed Seawater and Air Temperatures on Performance of a Desalination Unit of Heat Pump with Humidification and Dehumidification.

sudarmanto, sudarmanto reviewer 1,2; sudarmanto, judul: The Effect of Carbon and Zinc Electrodes Using Sea Water Electrolyte on Air Battery Power. stta.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 4 00:30:49 2025 WIB.